USRI Resources for Administrators

Each faculty or department has a USRI administrative contact. ​​In some cases this might be a shared role and there may be multiple contacts.

Types of results

USRI results can be considered releasable, non-releasable or no survey.


Can see all releasable results for all courses.


Can see all of their own USRI results regardless of releasable or non-releasable. Sessional Instructors who have not taught for the past year will not be able to see their results and can request them through

Admins, Deans, and Department Heads

Can see USRI survey results that are releasable and are specific to their area.

No Survey

Some USRIs are scheduled but there were no data results (likely because a USRI was not done). It is also possible that a USRI was not scheduled for a course for any number of reasons including:

  • Less than 8 students registered in a non-combined course
  • Course type is not evaluated (e.g. internship, independent study, co-op)
  • Courses are exempt (e.g. Veterinary Medicine courses)