USRI Resources for Instructors

Student ratings of instruction help ensure academic excellence in the university curriculum.

USRI Release Dates

USRI results are available for students, instructors and administrators at the same time every year. 

  • Spring and Summer term results: September 15
  • Fall term results: January 15
  • Winter term results: May 15

Instructors can see all of their own USRI results. Sessional instructors who have not taught for the past year will not be able to see their results and can request them through

USRI Review

In November 2018, a working group of the GFC Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) was tasked with the responsibility to review and provide recommendations on the administrative processes, data collection, and communication and education plans currently in place with the USRI.

In the fall of 2019, the USRI working group recognized that an interim change to the current USRI would help address some of the pressing issues with the questionnaire and reports. These changes are intended to improve the experience and use of the current USRI questionnaire. In the meantime, campus-wide consultations and subsequent recommendations on a new form continue to take place.

Related resources

New USRI recommendation report informed by student and faculty consultations